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CORROSIVITY!CATEGORY!C4!! ISO!12944! System! No.! Generic!Type! Coating!!Product!Code! DFT!!(mils)! DFT! (microns)! Expected!Durability! Low! Medium! High! 《SSPC-PA1-2016 中文版 钢铁在车间》.pdf,钢材的车间、现场和养护油漆 1.范围 1.1 该规范包含钢材表面的油漆工艺。该规范的范围很广,包含涂装油漆的 具体和一般要求。 sxfgt. SYSteMS anD SPeCIfICatIonS: SSPC Painting Manual, Volume 2, 2005 edition. The 2005 edition of “Systems and Speci cations” is a complete, up-to-date collection of SSPC standards, guides, speci cations, and other consensus documents for the cleaning and preparation of steel and concrete surfaces, the selection and application of protective coating systems, the composition and For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume ination, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from Society for Protective Coatings SSPC, 40 24th St., 6th Floor,Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4656, http// from American National Standards Institute ANSI, 25 W. 43rd St.,4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http NACE和SSPC联合标准,表面处理标准Item No. 21065 Joint Surface Preparation Standard NACE No. 1 SSPC标准目录. SSPC-SP2 手工清理 SSPC-SP3 机械清理 SSPC-SP5/NACE No.1 白合金喷砂清理SSPC表面处理标准对照表 5页 免费 SSPC表面处理标准 20页 1下载券 SSPC_目录 表面处理标准对照表 SSPC Paint 33-2006 (2015)原版可复制国外资料求助分享区
Sspc paint 20 pdf This specification does not cover weldable preconstruction primers such as SSPC-Paint 30. Zinc-rich coatings, both.Coatings with greater than 65 zinc by weight in the dried film are considered Zinc-Rich. Zinc content is important, SSPC Paint 20 defines 3 levels of zinc in.Series 90E-92 meets the qualitative and performance requirements of SSPC Paint 20 Type 1-C and SSPC Paint SSPC-Paint 20 Zinc -Rich Coating (Type I – Inorganic, and Type II- Organic) December 2019 SSPC-Paint 23 Latex Primer for Steel Surfaces March 2013 SSPC-Paint 24 : Latex Exterior Finish Coat for Steel Surfaces, Performance-Based October 2016 . SSPC-Paint 27 Basic Zinc Chromate-Vinyl Butyral Wash Primer November 2004 SSPC-Paint 29 Zinc Dust Sacrificial Primer, Performance February 2014 SSPC 文档名称: SSPC PAINT APPLICATION SPECIFICATIONS AND GUIDES. 文档关注次数: 1511. 文档格式: 纸质版或者PDF电子版(用Acrobat Reader打开)或Word版本doc 格式. 文档大小: 29KB. 上传者: heyalan. 添加时间: 2018/12/25. 内容摘要: SSPC-PA COM November 1. 1982 Revised September 1, 2000 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings PAINT APPLICATION • SSPC-Paint 20 – Zinc-Rich Coating (Type I – Inorganic, and Type II – Organic) • SSPC-Paint 23 – Latex Primer for Steel Surfaces • SSPC-Paint 24 – Latex Semigloss Exterior Topcoat • SSPC-Paint 27 – Basic Zinc Chromate—Vinyl Butyral Wash Primer • SSPC-Paint 29 – Zinc Dust Sacrificial Primer, Performance- Based • SSPC-Paint 30 – Weld-Through Inorganic Zinc Primer sspc- paint 20 o aashto m- 300 tipo ii 1 2 - 3 mils 2 - 3 mils intermedo esmalte epoxy sspc - paint 22 o mil - p- 24441 1 - 2 2 - 4 mils 2 - 4 mils acabado esmalte poliuretano uspc - c - 644 -a tipo i 1 2 - 3 mils 2 - 3 mils total 8 mils minimo o 200 micrones 12 mils minimo o 300 micrones. c:\gero 2001\transp\caminos\gralcami\rd851-98-mtc-1517.doc página 15 de 21 iv.2. mantenimiento de
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产品技术参数2.pdf - 免费下载- 凌风云文库
Download SSPC.Paint20. Share & Embed "SSPC.Paint20" Please copy and paste this embed script to where you want to embed SSPC-Paint 20 November 1, 1982 Editorial Changes August 1, 1991. SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings. PAINT SPECIFICATION NO. 20 Zinc-Rich Primers (Type I, "Inorganic," and Type II, "Organic") 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers one group of highly pigmented zinc-rich coatings that are uniquely defined by their capability of galvanically protecting steel exposed at discontinuities
NORSOK, SSPC Paint 20 or ISO 12944 standards. Interzinc 22 series. Rapid recoat zinc silicate technology. • Fast recoat times enhancing shop throughput. This product complies with the composition and performance requirements of SSPC Paint 20 and is characterised by excellent anticorrosive 符合SSPC Paint 20第二级和ISO 12944-4中的成分要求。 它的防腐蚀性极佳,可和其它涂料配套使用。 耐热高达540摄氏度。在大气环境下作为底漆使用。 仅适用
This paint is suitable for exposures in Environmental Zones 2A (frequently wet by fresh water), 2B (frequently wet by salt water), 2C (fresh water immersion), 2D (salt water immersion), 3A (chemical, acidic), 3B (chemical, neutral), and 3C (chemical, alkaline); and is intended for spray application over steel surfaces prepared in accordance with SSPC-SP 6, Commercial Blast Cleaning, or SSPC-SP Title: Printing Author: dell Created Date: 8/31/2004 9:46:43 AM
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